Friday, January 7, 2011

One week.

Recently, writing has been difficult. In fact, I've sat down in front of this little white frame more than enough times to be shamed by it. I've opened up my journal, thats supposed to spill forth thoughts like that little spring my mind should be, and its remained empty. I've been stuck on the past. Stoppered by the future. And I'm not quite sure where to place the blame. But thats just a checkup, nothing much more to say. I just want the few of you that keep up with this darling to know I haven't disappeared. I still check every day to see if I have some waiting idea, but no. And if there's any excuse, it's that I had a bad week, which isn't an excuse at all, because the bad weeks are the ones where brilliance shows its head. Its not in the good times that boys become men, but the bad ones. So I suppose I'm still a boy. Forgive me.

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